Update time: March 16 – 4 am Eastern Time
To all our community members:
As many of you know there was a major fire at the data center of our service provider. This resulted in a service outage that started on Wednesday, March 10th. Below is an update on the impact and solution.
We have relocated our platform to another data center. Services have been gradually restored. During this time, there are important features, settings, and content that were affected while this process was completed.
Here’s is a list of the current impacts:
- User accounts and papers created after March 5, 2021, are unfortunately lost.
- User accounts and papers created before March 5, 2021, are restored.
- All the content we could recover has been restored. If your paper is still empty, it means we were not able to recover your content. We are very sorry for this inconvenience. Please contact support if we can help.
- We are still investigating if visit counters are able to be restored. For now, all counters have been reset to 0.
- Previous suggestions are not accessible.
- New paper creation is now available (although with less content).
- Papers will not update with new content during the restoration process.
- New editions, suggestions, and social promotions are fully functional.
- The ability to search for users, papers, and content is now restored.
For those users who created an account and a paper after March 5th, we hope you will start again once the service is restored. Our team is here to help.
If there are any ongoing issues with your paper or if you have been severely impacted by the outage, please reach out to us directly: support@paper.li.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused. Thank you for your understanding and for your positive emails, comments, and social media posts.